Over 11’s

Our Over 11’s programme is designed to inspire our young people.

We support them to develop their skills & become active citizens throughout their time with us.

Our members between the ages of 11 and 18 are split into two different sections but the activities for each section will be similar. All of our members will work towards a number of badges that they will achieve once they have completed a certain number of activities within the programme.

Company is our 11-14 age group and will often have a more formal uniform than the under 11’s. There are a number of badges that a member can achieve through varied programme across six activity areas throughout their time in this section, in addition to activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. As a member of Company, you’ll learn new skills and achieve personal goals trying out different things in a safe environment. There are camps and trips and the opportunity to gain external accreditation for activities as well.

Seniors is our 14-18 age group and within this section, members are encouraged to work on projects to achieve their badges, rather than smaller tasks. The varied programme supports them in their projects and provides ideas and guidance but is more flexible than the programme within other sections. Young people in this section will potentially lead activities within the under 11 sections as well as providing input into how the evening is run whilst developing into the leaders of the future.

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